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Teaming up with Ormiston Senior College

Onehunga e-waste organisation Computer Recycling is pleased to have created awork-experience relationship with Ormiston Senior College, as part of the school’s Gateway Programme. Senior students from the school are invited to work with the Computer Recycling team for 30 hours over the course of several weeks– gaining valuable insight and skills into how e-waste is managed and recycled. The students are working alongside our IT Technicians, gaining valuable insight into how electronics can be refurbished and repurposed as part of our recycling scheme.
“With e-waste becoming New Zealand’s largest growing waste stream, we appreciate the opportunity to share the work we’re doing with the future generations,” says Computer Recycling Managing Director Patrick Moynahan.
“Young adults such as the Ormiston Senior College students bring a renewed sense of care and concern for how we look after Aotearoa, and are geared up to be more sustainable and environmentally conscious than generations that preceded them. Working alongside young Kiwis reminds us of the importance of the services we carry out, and we’re pleased to share our knowledge and practices with them. We hope they gain some valuable insight and skills during their time with us.”
The students’ work experience begins in mid-May and will continue throughout the school term. It provides the opportunity for the students to gain 20 NCEA credits and gain hands-on skills in the electronics & recycling fields.